preservation consulting services

Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Consulting

Historic Macon is the leading consultant in the state for historic rehabilitation tax incentive projects. We have successfully completed over 140 projects, generating more than $123,000,000 in private investment.

Educational Programming & Heritage Tourism Products

Historic Macon can assist you with spreading the word to neighbors and visitors alike about what makes your community or property so special with a wide variety of history and community focused educational activities, including tours, publications, workshops, interpretive signage, site narration, and so much more.

Neighborhood and Streetscape Revitalization

Our neighborhoods are more than just a bunch of buildings. Historic Macon has real world experience improving the often overlooked aspects of how neighborhoods function, from planting street trees to establishing neighborhood advocacy groups. 

National Register of Historic Places Nominations

Let Historic Macon work with you to get your historic building or area the recognition it deserves with listing to the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register is the nation’s official list of historically significant buildings, districts and objects and being on it is an eligibility requirement for potential historic rehabilitation tax incentives.

Section 106 reviews

Development and infrastructure projects utilizing Federal funding are required to assess the potential impacts of their project on historic resources through a process known as Section 106 review. Historic Macon can help you navigate this process to get the funding that will make your project happen.