Support Historic Macon Foundation

Make a commitment to historic preservation today by joining our organization! Whether it be a personal membership or a preservation partnership, your support provides the help we need to protect historic places.


Personal memberships

Historic Macon is happy to boast the support of nearly 500 households! Join today at any of our eight membership levels that range from $75.00 - $10,000.00 annually. Each level comes with added benefits. Click here to learn more!

Preservation Partnerships

Preservation Partners are local businesses that make a commitment to support historic preservation every year through a tailored combination of cash and in-kind donations. Levels range from $1,000.00 — $10,000.00 annually. We know that becoming a Preservation Partner is a serious commitment for every business. We are happy to recognize your contribution with benefits. Click here to learn more about the levels and how you can become a Preservation Partner today.
